You Get An Award, And You Get An Award, And You Get An Award

Hi there, Oprahaul here. Get it? Her name is Oprah. My name is Paul. Together, it is Oprahaul. Because it has the word “haul” in it. And a “haul” is something you get. And I’m giving away stuff…? Just go with it.

It was either that, or Poprah, but the Pope has dibs on that one, and I’m not the Pope, so…

This is off the rails. Was it ever even on?

I was nominated by Sarah (Click her name to go to her blog. While you’re there, read at least three posts, give her a follow, and come back. I’ll wait.) for the Liebster Award – thank you, Sarah! – which is one of the awards that bloggers give each other.

You’re probably aware of it.

I’ve received it a few times over the years and have told myself repeatedly that I’m retiring from accepting any more of them. But I don’t like letting people down, and am easily tempted by questions posed by other bloggers.

So here it is, I’m accepting the award.

However, I’m changing the rules just to make this different.

I’m supposed to answer Sarah’s questions, and then nominate five bloggers who will write a blog post about this and answer my questions for them.

I’m still going to answer the questions. I’ll still ask questions. But I’m not nominating anyone. That’ll leave too many people out.

I’ll just give all of you the award!

SO, when I ask my questions at the end, I want you to reply with your answers in the comment section below. This way, you can get to know each other and become besties who will go on to say, “We met in Oprahaul’s comment section.”

It’ll confuse everyone.

Now then, let’s get this show on the stage.

Sarah’s questions for me are:

1. What is your favourite blog post that you’ve written and why?

The first post that comes to mind is I Miss School, Already. If I never wrote that post, I don’t think I’m here blogging today. That was written two months into this blog’s existence and was the first time I let myself go and just write what was in my heart. That post changed everything.

I have no idea when the last time I read that post was, but I do know that I avoid reading it for various reasons.

All of my other blog posts suck, as you know.

2. What is one thing that people may not know about you that might surprise them?

Honestly, I feel like my readers know me better than I do.

Let me think. Everything I want to say is too embarrassing, or isn’t meant to be shared on this blog for at least another five years (I plan for longevity).

This is where I would normally pull out the “I’ve never had a taco before” line, but people already know that and they hate me for it. I can start a riot with those six words.


I once found $5 on the ground, picked it up, walked four steps with it, turned around, and put it back on the ground. I don’t know if that’ll surprise you, or just confirm everything you already knew about me.

Let me know if you want the full story in a separate blog post.

3. What advice would you give would-be bloggers that are thinking of starting their own blog?

I’d tell them to feel free to write about absolutely anything. Don’t feel like you have to write about one specific topic, just because when you created your blog and WordPress asked you what you’ll be writing about, you said “lifestyle”.

I’d also tell them that no one will read their blog and the only “likes” they’ll receive will be from business blogs or robots. But while no one is caring about you, you have to write your little heart out. People can’t read your blog if you don’t give them stuff to read, right?

You just have to get over the fact that no one will care about you for the first few weeks, maybe months. If you can do that, you’re golden, Ponyboys and girls.


1. What is your favourite colour and how did you decide it was your favourite?

2. What is the strangest question you’ve ever Googled?

3. Which three letters of the alphabet would you get rid of and why?

4. Do your friends like the same music as you?

5. What are you worried about?

6. If you could be one age forever, what age would you be?

7. Do you secretly wish cellphones didn’t exist?

8. What is one uninteresting thing about you?

Feel free to answer those as in-depth, or as bare bones as you like.

Thanks for reading.

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53 Responses to You Get An Award, And You Get An Award, And You Get An Award

  1. Quinn says:

    1. What is your favourite colour and how did you decide it was your favourite?
    I guess my favourite colour is either blue or grey. They can both be as chill or as dramatic as they need to be. I don’t know that I decided, exactly… I just looked at my wardrobe one day and realised all my clothes are blue or grey, white or black. That must be for a reason!

    2. What is the strangest question you’ve ever Googled?
    That is strictly between me and my incognito tab.

    3. Which three letters of the alphabet would you get rid of and why?
    Q. Z. K. I have two of those letters in my name and they are, frankly, unnecessary. Not one of those is irreplaceable.

    4. Do your friends like the same music as you?
    I highly doubt it. There are few people with as deeply uncool a selection of music as yours truly…

    5. What are you worried about?

    6. If you could be one age forever, what age would you be?
    Come back to me when I’ve been all the ages.

    7. Do you secretly wish cellphones didn’t exist?
    Yes. But then we would have missed out on Snake. Yes if Snake had existed on the Gameboy.

    8. What is one uninteresting thing about you?
    I like making daisy chains.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Paul says:

      Thanks for answering! I like how you went all caps for the things you’re worried about haha. It’s like we need adult supervision to be adults, just so we don’t mess it up.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. gigglingfattie says:

    ummmm of course we want the full story about the $5! Although just that little snippet makes me feel horrible for working in my church nursery one Sunday (when I was like 15), and looking out the window as I was trying to rock a crying baby to sleep and spying a $20 in the parking lot below. After the service, I ran down and it was still there and I took it…I’ve concluded that you’re a much better person than I am.

    As for (two of) your questions:
    My favourite colours are a sunrise – you know soft pinks and oranges and yellows? And I love them because I used to wake up super early when I was at summer camp and watch the sunrise over the lake and it was so lovely and made me feel at peace and the soft warmth that comes from the sun as it crests over the trees? Magic. And because they are super bright and bubbly colours.

    I do kind of wish I would live without my cell phone. Somedays I just like to turn off the wifi and leave it on silent so I don’t have to be on it. I should do that more often. But I’m glad they exist. For practical reasons.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Paul says:

      This is the first time I’ve heard anyone say their favourite colours are a sunrise. That’s actually a really good answer and description. I like blue because I don’t know, I just do haha.

      I’m with you on the phones. We need them for some things, but ignoring them for a while isn’t a bad thing. Sometimes I force myself to go a day without using Wi-Fi or opening an app. My battery lasts 24+ hours when I decide to do that.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. m4gical says:

    1. Favourite colour: Pink/Lilac. I used to DESPISE the colour pink when I was a little girl. I’m not sure why and I’m not sure why it’s my favourite now. It’s just pleasing to the eye.

    2. The strangest question I’ve ever googled, I couldn’t possibly tell you or even remember because I googled anything and everything. Even if I know the answer.

    3. Q, W and P because they annoy me the most

    4. I like a load of different music so I guess so, but not really when it comes to the drum and bass stuff.

    5. I’m worried about childbirth and everything along with it – do I need to explain? haha

    6. I would be 18/19 forever because I’m 20 coming on 21 and I still feel like I’m 17.

    7. I would LOVE IT if phones and technology didn’t exist, its all just taken over the world and everyone should ride bicycles everywhere.

    8. Uninteresting fact: I can be quite lazy.

    Thankyou for the questions I actually quite enjoyed answering them!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Paul says:

      Thanks for responding!

      3. The letter P annoys you? Hahaha so my name showing up in your notifications must be terrible then lol. Sorry.

      5. You need not explain!

      6. 18/19 is a good age. It’s like adulthood without the full commitment.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Becky Turner says:

    1. What is your favourite colour and how did you decide it was your favourite?

    My favorite color is blue. I’m not sure why it’s my favorite. Maybe it was part of me rebelling against the typical pink-girly-stereotype. Plus there are a lot of cool shades of blue.

    2. What is the strangest question you’ve ever Googled?

    Oh jeez. Well I’m hoping no one looks at my search history lately because of what I’ve had to research for my story. (Nothing bad that would get me in trouble with the FBI or CIA or anything.) One I can think of off the top of my head is “texas prison system”. Please don’t ask.

    3. Which three letters of the alphabet would you get rid of and why?

    Hmmm. Probably X, V, and Z. Not because they’re at the end of the alphabet but because I feel like they don’t get used a lot and they’re just lurking around like weird kids on the playground.

    4. Do your friends like the same music as you?

    I think so. I like pop and country, and most people like pop and country, including my friends.

    5. What are you worried about?

    What I want to be when I grow up.

    6. If you could be one age forever, what age would you be?

    Up until being 23, no age really stood out that much. But I guess 21 because you can drink and you’re still in college and don’t have to be an adult.

    7. Do you secretly wish cellphones didn’t exist?

    Sometimes. I’ve gotten worse at texting lately, and I’m one of those people that don’t answer phone calls and hope you leave a message. But I guess they’re okay because it means my mom can send me random pictures of my pets when I’m at work.

    8. What is one uninteresting thing about you?

    I live at home with my parents.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Paul says:

      2. Texas prison system…I’m intrigued!

      3. “Lurking around like weird kids on the playground” hahah I was not expecting that analogy

      6. I agree. Anywhere between 19-21 is that sweet spot where we’re adults, but only by definition

      Thanks for your answers!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Becky Turner says:

        A short explanation for my search history: in the story I’m writing, one of the characters gets arrested and it takes place in Texas and I was curious to see what prisons were around the area. I didn’t end up using any of the names anyway, so it wasn’t a really productive search.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Olga Fry says:

    2. What is the strangest question you’ve ever Googled? Hah! I feel like the better question would be “what is the most normal question you’ve ever Googled?” But a few months ago, when my cat died, I kept googling questions related to his death, trying to figure out (more like punish myself) about what I could have done differently. It was awful.

    5. What are you worried about? Mostly health-related things. Also, death a lot of the time. I’m always in some sort of anticipatory grief.

    Thanks for sharing these, Paul!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Sarah Warsi says:

    So awesome Paul! Thank you for participating and congrats again! :))

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Squid says:

    1. What is your favourite colour and how did you decide it was your favourite?
    My FAVORITE color is red, but I only settled that once I realized people were going to ask me that question for the rest of my life and, “I like colors that don’t clash with each other” isn’t really an acceptable answer… I don’t really know why I like red, I just always choose the red game piece, toothbrush, etc. *shrug*
    2. What is the strangest question you’ve ever Googled?
    Ooooooooh I wish I knew the answer to this one cause I know I’ve had some weird ones…
    3. Which three letters of the alphabet would you get rid of and why?
    a) X, because it could be replaced with ‘Z’ or ‘Ks’ in every situation… b) C because we have ‘S’ and ‘K’. c) J because we already have G, and Js gets confused with Is all the time. In sign language. Hmmm
    4. Do your friends like the same music as you?
    Depends on which friends, lol. I like so many different genres that I have a friend for each one, haha. An EDM friend, an Irish Folk friend, etc. So, yes?
    5. What are you worried about?
    Wasting my life.
    6. If you could be one age forever, what age would you be?
    Oooooh, probably like 27? Young enough to not be aging crazy yet, but old enough to be mature and pretty? Lol idk
    7. Do you secretly wish cellphones didn’t exist?
    Ummm I wish that smart phones didn’t exist, but flip phones without internet features would be OK.
    8. What is one uninteresting thing about you?
    Hahaha if I write it then it might interest someone! I like logic? Haha there we go…
    P.S. Your posts are fantastic so there and don’t you utter those words again.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Paul says:

      Thanks for this. I like your in depth explanation of which letters you would cut out from the alphabet. Very methodical. Also, when you do turn 27 many many years from now, can you come back to this blog post and tell me if you still want to be that age forever?

      Liked by 2 people

      • Squid says:

        Lolol methodical is my middle name! (well, it’s not, unless it’s an alternative spelling of Lucille, but I still am definitely very methodical. Usually. Lol)
        Yesssss in 2027, you’ll get a notification on this post and be so confused until you see “Squid commented” and it will be awesome. XD I’ll certainly let you know (if I remember)!

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Sarah Warsi says:

    1. What is your favourite colour and how did you decide it was your favourite?
    Blue. Don’t know how it came to be my favourite but I always gravitated towards anything blue over the years. 🙂

    2. What is the strangest question you’ve ever Googled?
    Hmmm, okay preparing to embarrass myself now: I have googled “why do we fart?” haha!

    3. Which three letters of the alphabet would you get rid of and why?
    Hmm, this one is hard. Though X and Z and Q are underused as letters that begin words, they still play pivotal roles in the formation of other words. BUT if we had to pick three, I’d go with those.

    4. Do your friends like the same music as you?
    For the most part, yes. I like anything that sounds good and so do they.

    5. What are you worried about?
    At the moment? Going to bed with my makeup on and waking up to a family of zits on my forehead in the morning. hehe

    6. If you could be one age forever, what age would you be?
    Another hard one… because I embrace each year in its own special way, but if I had to choose, then perhaps 17? Life was a lot simpler and uncomplicated then. lol But I wouldn’t trade being a woman in my mid-30s now for anything!

    7. Do you secretly wish cellphones didn’t exist?
    At times, yes! We live in a crazed mobile-addicted society and it would be so nice to be able to zap back into the 90s when we actually had a reality that didn’t involve mobile devices and where people used to talk to each other in person!

    8. What is one uninteresting thing about you?
    I love soap operas.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Paul says:

      Hahaha “why do we fart?” – YES! That’s exactly the type of answer I was looking for. Most people chickened out on it.

      I also gravitate towards the colour blue and really don’t know why.

      Age 17 was such an easy time, wish I realized it at the time.

      I agree, I miss the 90s. Everyone is always looking for the next big breakthrough with technology and I’m sitting here like, “I’m good. I don’t need more technology.”

      Thanks for being honest with your answers!

      Liked by 2 people

  9. Chichi says:

    1. Green; I have never met an unhappy person with the colour green as their favourite. I look to be happy so I thought that the colour just has that influence, you know?
    2. “How many doughnuts does one have to eat in order to overdose and die?” This sounds like I am going through a mid-life crisis but, trust me, it’s not like that. 😀 I just would like to die happy and doughnuts seem to bring me to that place so why not? 😛
    3. S, X & M. I don’t like S because of touch rugby (the sport I play); at touch, we have to do an ‘S’ and I am always confused when it is called so, bye S! Names that begin with the letter X are a struggle and a half so, bye X! I know way too many people with surnames that begin with the letter ‘M’ so let’s gid rid of that, neh?
    4. No. Not even. It’s a bit sad sometimes but then I realise that most of us don’t have the same taste. Someone likes gospel, someone else likes pop, someone else likes R&B and I like EDM. We’re all different.
    5. Well, I am in Grade 12 this year and I’m worried about what I am going to study in university. 😦
    6. 19; I’m not there yet (lol) but I feel as though that will be the age where I reach my prime. So yeah… 19!
    7. No! I go to a boarding school and the one thing that I have as a connection to the outside world is my cell phone. If I didn’t have that, I would’ve probably left the school and regretted it.
    8. I love my mother. I can’t really think of anything that is uninteresting. Not that I am the most interesting person on the planet but… there is just so much to pick from so let’s just go with that?

    Thank you so much for this Oprahaul!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Paul says:

      Haha I like your questions to Google about donuts. That would be a sugar overload. Rugby? I love rugby. What’s the S? Is it a specific formation or play? As for what you’re going to study at university next year, pick something that you like and everything will take care of itself. Fair enough regarding the cellphone. Thanks for answering!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Chichi says:

        Rather that than some other painful experience. I fear pain.
        Touch Rugby. So it’s like Rugby but it’s not Contact, just a touch. You should go watch it. It is a cool sport! 😀 It’s a move that helps in the set-up of another move.
        I’m hoping that I get to study what I like: Sport.

        Thank you for letting me participate! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      • Paul says:

        Cool! Touch Rugby is definitely what I’d play instead of the real thing. I’d be concussed in 3 minutes.


  10. Noor says:

    1. Gray because it somehow represents me, i find myself in the middle regarding many situations, i also love all shades of blue but i don’t know why, it’s just perfect
    2. How to forgive and let go (obviously i was struggling lol)
    3. X, J and P, i find them useless :3
    4. I like almost all kind of music so it’s easy to agree on any genre with my friends
    5. I’m worried about growing up worrying the same, or even more, my conscious mind realizes that nothing is worse worrying about, yet worrying is just another stupid human nature
    6. probably any age under 30, once i hit 30 i’ll feel old as hell i think
    7. No i like cellphones, i hate smart phones most of the time tho
    8. That i hate anything related to fiction (yes this includes Harry Potter)
    Loved this post btw and loved reading your answers, definitely want to read about the 5$ story
    I’ve never had a taco before either, and totally loved your advice for new bloggers, i’v been around here for almost 3 months now and it does get a bit better by time

    Liked by 1 person

    • Paul says:

      Great, thanks for your answers! I also think that when I get to 30 I’ll feel old as hell. But then I’ll say the same about 40 and 50 and oh God…
      I’d say you’re doing a really good job for being 3 months in! I was still a bit lost at that stage.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Angela says:

    1. What is your favourite colour and how did you decide it was your favourite?
    I don’t like to have favourites, I always wanted to be my parents favourite child but they told me it wasn’t nice to have favourites and now I can’t ever choose a favourite anything! However, right now I’d have to say I’m drawn towards blue because it reminds me of sunny days at the beach.

    2. What is the strangest question you’ve ever Googled?
    Erm…The strangest today so far -‘Why is Prince Philip not King?’

    3. Which three letters of the alphabet would you get rid of and why?
    X,Y & Z because last in, first out!

    4. Do your friends like the same music as you?
    No, well technically yes because I have such a varied taste in music (can’t have favourite’s remember) so I like a little bit of what everyone likes…if that makes sense?!

    5. What are you worried about?
    Worrying is a waste of energy…. I keep telling myself that!

    6. If you could be one age forever, what age would you be?
    Wait, so no more birthday cake? NO I CAN’T DO IT!

    7. Do you secretly wish cellphones didn’t exist?
    Its not a secret!

    8. What is one uninteresting thing about you?
    I don’t have a middle name.

    Thanks Oprahaul, this was a great award ceremony 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Paul says:

      3. Did you just put an accounting term on my blog? Haha this might be a first

      6. Ok you can have a birthday remembrance every year and cake may be eaten!

      Thanks for participating! You need to pick favourites though haha


      • Angela says:

        Unintentionally, of course – please don’t judge me, haha!

        Ok then I’d be 19 forever 😊

        Secretly… My favourite colour is blue and if I have to choose one favourite type of music I’d say Hip Hop so NO my friends don’t share that love – now I feel bad for all the other colours and music genres!

        Liked by 2 people

      • Paul says:

        Haha I can tell how difficult this was for you. I won’t ask you to pick favourites again, the colours and music genres might not forgive you!

        Liked by 1 person

  12. Ely says:

    My fave color is iridescent. I don’t care what ANY ONE says. It is a valid COLOR and it is a beautiful glimmering combination of everything depending on what angle the light hits it. It is basically my soul. A glimmering unpredictable mess.

    The strangest thing I’ve ever googled for sure was about penis shaped cakes. A customer asked for one and I was just looking for the right size and shape. It was quite the research project as I waited for my food at a local restaurant and the waitress accidentally saw my phone screen and raised her eyebrows. Oh you know… typical stuff lol

    The letter Q can go because we use KW instead. Also the letter “I” because it’s so selfish and the letter C because we can just say SEE or use K like: Seeiling. And Kat.

    If we have totally different Musical taste chances are we don’t even click to begin with I mean music connects people. Like if you listen to Marilyn Manson and I listen to N’Sync I’m pretty sure we won’t be getting along…

    I’m worried about the future of This country and what it will be like for my kids…. I worry for THEM and the type of world they are growing up in, honestly. I don’t know if I can save them from this world… I don’t know if being their mom is ever going to be enough…

    If I can choose one age to be, I’d say 1. Still in diapers, being catered to… never being punished for more then ONE minute… sitting around pooping and eating all day… no bills no responsibilities no homework no chores…. just living the LIFE.

    Cell phoebes need to exist. I just wish they didn’t take over our lives.

    There’s literally nothing uninteresting about me. I am a waking book. I have so many things going on in my life and so many dreams and so much of an intense past…. I should be a scientific experiment. Or a reality show. I’m THAT phenomenal and messy.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Paul says:

      Your favourite colour WOULD be iridescent haha. I’m just glad you didn’t go with something pretentious like Aqua.

      Haha you should’ve yelled at the waiter, I MAKE CAKES. They probably would’ve taken that the wrong way too.

      Seeiling ahahaha

      I’m worried for your country too. Everything is a political game mixed with drama. It’s not real life anymore.

      Cell phoebes do need to exist, I agree.

      When you misspelled “walking book” I first thought you meant “walking boot” ahahaha

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Ely says:

    Than**** not then. Lol 😆

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Ely says:

    Phones* not phoebes.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Ely says:

    Walking** not waking ok I’m done here lol

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Jad says:

    I would like to thank my devoted fans, family and my….Oh wait?! what? I don’t need to do an acceptance speech!!! Are you sure?? Oh okay I will just answer the questions then!

    1. What is your favourite colour and how did you decide it was your favourite?
    Purple used to be because someone told me it was but I just decided I like blue better

    2. What is the strangest question you’ve ever Googled?
    How many crackers can I fit in my mouth?

    3. Which three letters of the alphabet would you get rid of and why?
    ABC because then I would not have to learn my ABCs if they did not exist!!

    4. Do your friends like the same music as you?
    Some do some dont, some need a lot of loving and some oh wait sorry got distracted!!

    5. What are you worried about?
    If I am answering these questions correctly

    6. If you could be one age forever, what age would you be?
    50 – it was when my life really started!!

    7. Do you secretly wish cellphones didn’t exist?
    never, bite your tongue!!

    8. What is one uninteresting thing about you?
    Nothing, I am the most interesting freaking person you will ever meet, heck even my toenails are interesting!!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Barb Knowles says:

    I don’t want to answer your questions. Except the last one. Does it count as uninteresting that I don’t want to answer the other questions? Almost everything I do is uninteresting so how to narrow it down……..I’m stumped. Plus, I secretly think that everything I do is interesting.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Barb Knowles says:

    I forgot to say that the $5 thing was sooooooooo Canadian.

    Liked by 1 person

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