The Captain’s Quiz 8: Summer Side Up

I knew it had been a long time since the last Captain’s Quiz, but I didn’t realize the last one was in January! Someone should’ve said something. Oh, you did? Okay.

The title of this quiz is: “Summer Side Up” which is a play on “Sunny-side up”, except this has nothing to do with eggs, but everything to do with summer being associated with the sun and…you get it.

The questions in this quiz will all be related to Summer, in some way.

Let’s do it.


  • To participate, answer the questions below in a blog post of your own and link it back to this post so I see it.

  • There are no right or wrong answers; there are only answers. Feel free to provide as many, or as few details as you want, at your own peril.

  • You will receive a score of 13, or 5 points for your responses to the 10 Questions. Your answers may unlock hidden bonus points, so answer wisely. 

  • There are 3 Bonus Questions. The scoring for them will be kept a secret until the final results are posted.

  • Next Wednesday, August 31 is the last day to participate. The results will be posted next Thursday.


1. You are going camping at a campground for four days and three nights. Does this excite you, or fill you with dread? Explain.

2. They say that, “Sally sells seashells by the seashore”. How much money do you think Sally makes on a Saturday in July, and do you think her business should be set up elsewhere?

3. The ideal temperature for sleep is approximately 18°C (65°F). What are five tips you have for staying cool while sleeping?

4. In Season 4 of The O.C., Summer Roberts adopts a pet rabbit and names her Pancakes. What animal would you adopt and what breakfast food would you name it after?

5. SummerSlam is an annual professional wrestling event produced by the WWE. Thinking of yourself as a wrestler, provide the following information: your wrestling name, your character traits, your catchphrase, and the name of your most devastating maneuver.

6. What is a frozen dessert you enjoy eating outside? On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the messiest), how messy is it?

7. You are standing in an above ground swimming pool and your sunglasses fall to the bottom. How do you retrieve them?

8. “Walking on Sunshine” is an upbeat song by Katrina And The Waves. What songs would be on your summer playlist?

9. What are the pros and cons of patio dining?

10. What is a summer job you have had and how long did you remain friends/in-touch with your co-workers after the job ended?


1. You have entered the food truck business. Tell me about your new venture and your strategy to dominate the market.

2. You are going on a summer road trip and can take one person with you. It can be absolutely anyone. Tell me about the trip.

3. What are some of your favourite summer memories?

Renata is our reigning, defending champion. Will she still be champion next Thursday, or will one of you step up?

Good luck!

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17 Responses to The Captain’s Quiz 8: Summer Side Up

  1. Rebecca says:

    Excellent! I’ll be posting mine up next week (on my other blog, though)!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: The Captain’s (Quiz) is Back! – Monty’s Blahg

  3. Monty Vern says:

    Yay!!! The Captain is back!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: The Captain’s Quiz 8: Summer Side Up – Ashley French

  5. Pingback: The Captain’s Quiz #8 | No Love for Fatties

  6. peckapalooza says:

    Great questions, as usual. My answers will go live Monday morning!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Pingback: Doing A Quiz: Part ???? – Not-so-teenage Witch

  8. Pingback: The Captain’s Quiz 8: Summer side up – A Silly Place

  9. Pingback: The Captain’s Quiz 8: Summer Side Up – The Finicky Cynic

  10. Pingback: Taking the Captain’s Quiz 8: Summer Side Up | The Confusing Middle

  11. Bex says:

    So I’m sitting this one out, but just had to share: I had a bunny named Pumpernickel throughout most of college. He was the best! He snored when he slept, would throw temper tantrums if I didn’t feed him on time or left out his favorite fruits, we would jump up on the couch if I was eating trail mix so he could stick his head in the bag and pick out the raisins, he would sleep up against our puppy’s crate when we first brought her home to comfort her during the night… I miss that little dude.

    Though I’m allergic to cats, I’ve always wanted to get an orange cat (outdoor cat most likely) and name it Queso and get him a canine buddy who is brown in color and name it Bean Dip (Bean for short). I know those aren’t breakfast foods in this part of the world, but maybe somewhere!


  12. Pingback: The Captain’s Quiz 8: Summer Side Up – Buffalo Sauce Everywhere

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