Paul Appreciation Day

If you didn’t know, now you do because today is the third annual Paul Appreciation Day! And if that’s too much of a mouthful, you can call it PAD.

Two years ago while I was working at camp, I suggested to someone of power that I should get an appreciation day because I did so much for the camp. They agreed!

So Paul Appreciation Day was born. It was announced to the entire camp as follows: “One last thing, today is Paul Appreciation Day so feel free to go up to Paul today and tell him that you appreciate him.”

Everyone was confused. And then the half-hearted, “I appreciate you” comments started rolling in. And then by first snack, everyone had forgotten about it. Not even a cake!

At the end of the day I suggested that Paul Appreciation Day get extended for one more day because I didn’t feel as though I was appreciated enough. And it was! A two-day appreciation bonanza in my honour!

Last year’s PAD was a flop because no one knew about it, but I have high hopes for this year. HIGH HOPES.

Have a happy Paul Appreciation Day to you and yours and just me!

Let’s just ignore how egotistical it was of me to create my own holiday and just get to the appreciative comments, alright?

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23 Responses to Paul Appreciation Day

  1. micqu says:

    Paul, I sincerely appreciate you! Happy PAD day to you. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Being a Paul, for years I’ve been laboring under the delusion that PAD was all about me. This is devastating news… and it comes on Paul’s Appreciation Day no less! I’m off to find a curb to hurl myself off of. 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    • Paul says:

      I hope the pavement breaks your fall and doesn’t break you! Don’t worry Paul, there are 363 other days to hold your very own appreciation day. How about tomorrow?


      • Phew, thank goodness (363!) That’ll help a lot. But, seeing as I got back to you a little late on this, could I have a day named after me say… the day after to tomorrow? Otherwise, I’ll only get a few hours to have my ego messaged instead of the standard 24 hours usually accorded a noted celebrity. Thanks in advance for the consideration, Paul. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      • Paul says:

        If my math is correct, the day after tomorrow you were referring to would be Thursday. That’s perfect! I’ll alert the other Pauls.


      • Since I’m just getting back to your response, Paul (uh, it’s now Saturday), do you think rather than Thursday (which was perfect but is now past…again), that maybe we could make Sunday perfect instead? See, then (finally) maybe I could get a day in my honor which I so richly deserve—but seem to keep missing out on due to my very busy schedule—but never get to have, because I keep missing the day in my honor. But isn’t that just like an honoree? Always working in order to be honored, but then never getting honored because they’re always working. Almost makes you wish I wasn’t going to be honored with a day of my own… because I might just miss it!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Paul says:

        Sunday it is! Though if this is an elaborate plan to keep having your PAD day rescheduled so you get to celebrate more often, let me just say, I love the idea. Very Paul of you to do so!


      • Ah… two minds think alike! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Squid says:

    I appreciate the smile you and your posts bring to my face as I scroll (thumb) through my Reader. Happy PAD!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. You are so dramatic. 😂 I APPRECIATE YOU.

    Humor & Lifestyle //

    Liked by 1 person

  5. peckapalooza says:

    Dude! Happy Paul Appreciation Day! Sorry, I didn’t get you a card.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I appreciate your creativity for getting appreciation! 😂

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Paul, what I appreciate about you is your sense of humor. Sometimes, on an especially dark day, I read your blog to make me smile. Happy Paul Day! May it be the best one ever. I baked brownies with mini peanut butter cups and ate vanilla ice cream in your honor. I don’t like cake. Even though it’s your day, I was the one baking so… yeah. Plus, I figured it would be better than trying to mail it to you because ice cream melts. And they would probably be suspicious at customs of my brownies. They would probably think I was trying to smuggle drugs, because they didn’t get the memo about PAD. Hopefully your day was as remarkable as the brownies were. You deserve it!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Paul says:

      I’m glad my words can put on a smile on your face, Jen. Makes blogging all the more worthwhile. And thank you for the treats in my honour! I can never say no to brownies or vanilla ice cream. Border security would definitely rain on the PAD parade. Thanks again!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. celiamae says:

    Thanks Paul! Happy Paul Appreciation Day! Hope it’s great for you!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Ariel Lynn says:

    I appreciate you, Paul!! *gives you Internet cake… not as tasty as reality cake, but 1/3 the calories!*

    Liked by 1 person

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